Cherpack Lounge Writing in 1911 of the crisis facing the olive producers of the Ligurian province of Imperia, Giovanni Boine shares a vision of biocultural entanglement that sees human, plant, and earth intertwined in the production of a culture rooted in agricultural tradition. Published in the pages of modernist literary journal La Voce (1908-1916), Boine’s meditation on […]
Event Category: FIGS
Cherpack Lounge The almost complete devastation of European church bells during the Second World War was an unprecedented event in the history of cultural property and warfare. So too was the campaign to restore this pervasive feature of the European sonic landscape after 1945. This talk explores how bells figured in the perpetration of Nazi […]
625 Van Pelt Library In a brief but influential passage from European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages (1948), Ernst Robert Curtius explored the unresolved tension within medieval Christian culture regarding ‘Comedy’: the Church’s condemnation of humor contrasted with the recognition of laughter as a fundamental aspect of human nature. However, the concept of humor […]
Cherpack Lounge
Cherpack Lounge