Cherpack Seminar Room The myth of the orator as a colonizing figure served to promote the studia humanitatis as a commitment capable of fostering a successful career for teachers and writers, leaders and officials, preachers, diplomats, and translators, but also as an overtly coercive and colonizing means at the disposal of Renaissance rulers. As such, […]
Event Category: FIGS
Cherpack Seminar Room Dr. Ulrich Baer Ulrich Baer is University Professor at New York University where he teaches literature and photography. His books include Remnants of Song: The Experience of Modernity in Charles Baudelaire and Paul Celan; Spectral Evidence: The Photography of Trauma; The Rilke Alphabet; What Snowflakes Get Right: Free Speech, Equality and Truth in the University, and, as editor and […]
440 Williams Hall
440 Williams Hall The latest novel by contemporary German Jewish author Maxim Biller, Der falsche Gruß (The False Salute), published in 2021, tells the story of Erck Dessauer, a modern antisemite who is not a violent tyrant but rather […]
Cherpack Seminar Room